Water and Wastewater Master Plan

What is this study all about?

The Township of Mapleton (Township) is initiating a Master Plan Study for water and wastewater servicing within the Township, to ensure that drinking water and wastewater services meet the needs of the community now and into the future. The Master Plan will help the Township support healthy communities by identifying long-term strategies and initiatives to provide infrastructure for water and wastewater servicing needs to 2051 and beyond in a cost-effective and sustainable manner.

How is this study being done?

This study is proceeding in accordance with the requirements of the Municipal Class EA process (October 2000, amended in 2015), which is an approved process under the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act. This Master Plan will fulfill the requirements for select Schedule B projects and become the basis for any future Schedule C projects identified through the Master Plan

Questions and Answers

1. Why do we need a Water/Wastewater Master Plan? 

Based on the 2021 County of Wellington Official Plan, Mapleton Township and surrounding communities are planning for population and employment growth over the next 30-years. The Master Plan will evaluate the available capacities in the existing water and wastewater systems and will identify necessary Projects to ensure the existing water and wastewater infrastructure continues to accommodate the growing demands of the community. The Master plan will provide the Township with a cost-effective and sustainable plan for necessary Infrastructure upgrades that may be required to provide the Township and operations staff reliable, resilient, and flexible systems that meet current industry standards and best practices.


2. Will the improvement of water and wastewater services and infrastructure encourage further development in the area?

Population and employment growth across Wellington County is being planned in accordance with Provincial planning policies to focus growth and development within urban and rural settlement areas while supporting the viability of rural areas, as reflected in the Wellington County’s Official Plan. 

Efficient development patterns focused on settlement areas optimize the use of land, resources and public investment in infrastructure and public service facilities. These land use patterns promote a mix of housing, employment, recreation, parks and open spaces, and transportation choices that increase the use of active transportation.

A comprehensive Water and Wastewater Master Plan for Mapleton will ensure implementation of a sustainable growth strategy in accordance with the County Official Plan and Provincial policies. Provincial policies acknowledge that municipal sewage services and municipal water services are the preferred form of servicing for settlement areas to support protection of the environment and minimize potential risks to human health and safety. Within settlement areas with existing municipal sewage services and municipal water services, intensification and redevelopment shall be promoted wherever feasible to optimize the use of the services.


3. Will this study impact existing private groundwater wells?

Only the two designated urban centres (Drayton and Moorefield) are serviced by both municipal drinking water systems and wastewater collection and treatment systems. At this time, Drayton and Moorefield will be the focus of this investigation as the hamlets will continue to remain on private services. No impacts on existing private groundwater wells are anticipated.


4. Are there any financial implications from these projects on existing residents?

This Master Plan is intended to identify a servicing strategy to support growth and to address existing water and wastewater issues. Where Projects are identified that are necessary to accommodate growth, the cost of these Projects will be funded by developers through development charges. The general purpose of Development Charges By-law 2020-026 is to recover the capital costs associated with residential and non-residential growth within the Township of Mapleton. For more information on the development charges, please see the updated 2020 Development Charges Background Study through the Township’s website. 

The Township may also seek funding assistance from both the Provincial and Federal governments should any funding programs for municipalities to invest in new infrastructure that protects the environment or promotes growth come available. Whenever possible these avenues will be pursued.


5. What is the EA process and how long will the study take?

The Master Plan is being conducted in accordance with the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act through the application of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA).

The Class EA process enables the planning and implementation of municipal infrastructure projects taking into account the environmental setting, agency and local public interests and unique project requirements.

Through the Class EA process, this Master Plan considers existing problems and opportunities, alternative strategies, and potential impacts and mitigation. The evaluation of alternatives and assessment of impacts consider the natural, cultural, and socio-economic environmental as well as technical and financial aspects. Over the long term, environmental assessments provide decision makers with the kind of information they need to approve projects that are suitable with a healthy, sustainable environment for both present and future generations.

We anticipate that the Master Plan will conclude in March 2023 (tentative). 

Design of the water and wastewater servicing upgrades may start as early as Summer 2023. 


6. Will there be any construction related impacts (such as traffic, noise, dust, and vibration) that I should be aware of? 

This is a planning project that will result in recommendations for future infrastructure improvements. As such, project-related construction details are not known at this time. Local communities, residents and businesses will be informed as these projects move forward and details are developed. 


7. How is the public being consulted and how can I get involved?

Public consultation is an important part of the Class EA Master Planning process. Successful public consultation programs play an important part of building and maintaining community trust, improving project decision-making, and notifying the community early.

You can review the Project Information Package to learn about the study and provide any questions or comments you may have to Adam Moore, M.A.Sc., P.Eng., Consultant Project Engineer with CIMA+ (adam.moore@cima.ca). 

On October 12, 2022, the Town will be hosting an in-person Public Information Centre (PIC) where we will present the preliminary preferred strategies. The Notice of the PIC will be advertised and sent directly to those on the study mailing list. Please also contact Adam if you would like to be added to the study mailing list. 

8. What are the next steps after the EA approval? 

Once the Plan is completed and approved by Council, we will initiate the implementation of the strategy identified in the Master Plan. This includes carrying out appropriate policy and program recommendations, maintaining existing wastewater infrastructure, and building new infrastructure in accordance with the approved Master Plan.

Information Package

To learn more about the master plan study, please see the information package

Public Information Centre

The Town will be hosting a Public Information Centre (PIC) on October 12, 2022 to present the preliminary preferred strategies. A separate Notice of the PIC will be advertised in the local newspaper and sent directly to those on the study mailing list In late September

Contact Us

Please contact project team below if you have any questions, would like to provide comments about the study, or if you would like to be added to the study mailing list. 


Sam Mattina, C.E.T.Adam Moore, M.A.Sc., P.Eng.
Director of Public Works Consultant Project Engineer
Township of MapletonCIMA+



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