Grants, Loans and Rebates

The Township of Mapleton's Finance Department has compiled a list of grants, loans and rebate programs that may benefit our residents and business owners.

Farm Property Class Tax Rate Program

As a farmland owner in Ontario, you may be eligible to apply for a property tax reduction through the Farm Property Class Tax Rate Program. As an eligible applicant under the program:

  • Your farm residence and one acre of surrounding land will be taxed at your municipality's residential tax rate
  • The remainder of the farm assessment on the property will be taxed at 25% of the residential tax rate

For more information on the Farm Property Class Tax Rate  program, please contact the Township of Mapleton Municipal Office at 519-638-3313 or AGRICORP at 1-800-247-4999.

Low Income Seniors and Persons with Disabilities Property Tax Rebate

County of Wellington Tax Rebate

The County of Wellington offers a tax relief program for low-income seniors and low-income persons with disabilities. The intent of this program is to provide a mechanism to assist those least able to pay a significant increase in taxes due to a reassessment. Applications must be received by the first of November of the taxation year in which the relief is being requested. For more information, please contact the Township of Mapleton's Finance Department at 519-638-3313 or visit the County of Wellington tax relief webpage.

Ontario Senior Homeowners' Property Tax Grant

In addition to the tax rebate offered by the County, the Province provides a grant to help low income seniors with the cost of their property taxes. For more information on the Ontario Senior Homeowners' Property Tax Grant program, please visit the Ontario Ministry of Finance website.

Tile Loan Drainage Program

Authorized by the Tile Drainage Act, this program provides loans to agricultural property owners to help them finance tile drainage projects. Applications are received at the Township office and approved by council. All tile loans have 10-year terms, and repayments are made annually. Landowners are eligible for a loan of up to 75% of the value of the tile drainage work. For current loan interest rates please contact the Township office.

For more information on the tile loan program application, please contact the Township of Mapleton at 519-638-3313 or the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) at 1-800-469-2285.

Trees for Mapleton

Trees for Mapleton is a community initiative developed to increase the amount of tree cover in the township. It is supported by the Township of Mapleton, local landowners, the Grand River Conservation Authority, the Wellington Green Legacy Program, and the Ontario Trillium Foundation. Since the program began, over 250,000 trees have been planted.

Apply for a grant today!

Community Improvement Plan

See our Community Improvement Plan page for more information!

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