Water, Wastewater and Drainage


The Township of Mapleton is responsible for providing and maintaining a safe supply of high quality drinking water that meets all applicable regulations and legislation for the residents of Drayton and Moorefield. The Township of Mapleton owns two systems that serve the residents in these villages. The systems are maintained by Ontario Clean Water Agency (OCWA). Troubleshooting tips for water issues


The Township of Mapleton is responsible for operating one Wastewater Treatment Facility located just outside of Drayton. The systems are monitored by OCWA for quality assurance and control, reporting, inspecting, collection and maintenance of the facility. For more information on water reports, annual reports and other studies you can view them on our Reports and Studies page. Please do you part to protect your Wastewater pipes and understand what is not allowed to go down the drain.

Municipal Drains

A municipal drain is a drainage system that carries water through ditches or closed systems, such as pipes or titles buried in the ground to a natural water system. The Township of Mapleton is responsible for maintaining municipal drains under the Drainage Act. If your land requires maintenance with a Municipal drain please call the Public Works Department, 519-638-3313 

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