Roads and Sidewalks

The Township of Mapleton is responsible for new construction, reconstruction and ongoing maintenance of Township-owned roads and sidewalks. Our Public Works Department works hard to prioritize the safety of all residents and visitors on this network. This is done by regularly patrolling roads, streets and public parking lots year-round. For more information, please view our 2016 Road Condition Assessment or contact our Public Works Department at 519-638-3313 ext. 046. 


Report a Problem

The Township of Mapleton is dedicated to keeping our community safe, clean and enjoyable for everyone. We encourage residents to report problems related to roadways, ditches, storm and sanitary sewers, water, traffic etc.

Report A Problem


The County of Wellington organizes an Adopt-A-Road program for County roadside clean up. Your group can pick a County road that's available, attend a safety seminar and sign the agreement to participate. The Adopt-A-Road coordinator will bring your supplies to the safety seminar and you'll be ready to begin. Your adopted section of road will receive a Special Adopt-A-Road sign to identify your group's participation in the program.

For additional information on this program, please visit the Wellington County website or contact the County Roads Division toll-free at 1-800-663-0750.

Half Load Restrictions

There are some roads and highways, located within the Township of Mapleton, that are susceptible to damage if exposed to heavy loads. These roads are subject to a seasonal reduced load limit during the "spring break up" period when the road base is at its weakest. The posting of load restriction may vary, however, the signs are generally posted to restrict loads to five thousand (5,000) kilograms per axle between March 1st and April 30th of each year. Signs will be posted when it is deemed advisable to protect the road base from damage and removed when it is deemed that the restrictions are no longer needed.

For more information, please see Mapleton's Half Load Restriction By-law 99-60 or contact the Township of Mapleton at 519-638-3313.

Road Closures

The Township of Mapleton's Public Works Department posts Township road closure information on our News and Public Notices webpage. We encourage residents and visitors to subscribe to our email notifications, to receive road closure information and updates.

For more information on road closures, please contact the Public Works Department at 519-638-3313 ext. 046.

Winter Operations

The Township of Mapleton's Public Works Department works hard to ensure safe driving conditions on Township roads. During the winter months, we provide snow removal services on certain Township roads. For this reason, on-street parking is prohibited between 2:00 - 6:00 a.m. from November to March as per Township By-law No. 5000-05. Any vehicle interfering with snow removal operations or overhanging onto the street or sidewalk from driveways may be removed at the owner's expense. The Township of Mapleton asks for your cooperation with the following:

  • Avoid shoveling/ plowing snow onto streets or across municipal roads to far side ditches
  • Keep snow piles low to avoid obstructing visibility of pedestrians and drivers
  • Do not park on the street overnight in the winter months
  • Keep snow away from fire hydrants

The Township clears snow from sidewalks in most urban areas, where it is physically possible to clear snow mechanically (i.e. using a small plow). Sidewalk plowing takes place when there is 8 cm of snow accumulation and the snow has stopped falling, or when icy conditions dictate. Sidewalks with high pedestrian volume (Downtown cores and school zones) will be cleared first. Sidewalk clearing after a snowfall takes approximately 12 hours to complete and, depending on the storm severity, may occur more than once.

Sidewalk routes for 2021/2022



Glen Allan




 Ontario Minimum Maintenance Standards O. Reg. 239/02

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