
Advisory Committees

The Township of Mapleton establishes advisory committees to fulfill a variety of mandates and to make recommendations to Council. Our Advisory Committees provide recommendations on pertinent issues throughout the municipality, and utilize the expertise of citizen volunteer members.


Economic Development Committee

The Township of Mapleton's Economic Development Committee is a Committee of Council that was established to fully engage the private sector businesses and residents in economic development initiatives. Economic Development staff at the Township of Mapleton work closely with our Economic Development Committee in supporting the following initiatives:

  • Business retention and expansion
  • Support and encourage existing businesses
  • Economic development advertising and marketing
  • Service/Commercial/Industrial site selection
  • Competitiveness issues, policy and programs
  • Job Prosperity Programs
  • Tourism

Economic Development Terms of Reference

Parks and Recreation Committee

The Parks and Recreation Committee shall review and advise Council on:

  • policies relating to the operation and maintenance of all park and recreational properties within the Township, including recommendations for acquiring and developing parkland and community recreation facilities;
  • policies relating to recreation programs and planning for all age groups, both male and female;
  • the need for special Ad Hoc Committees from time to time to assist with special events or projects;
  • annual rates and fees for services provided;
  • community issues and concerns pertaining to parks and recreation services;
  • 50/50 funding submissions. 

The committee shall meet in the months of February, April, June, August, October and December of each year, unless otherwise approved by Council.

The Director of Public Works, may designate another employee of the Township to represent the Township at a meeting of Parks, Culture and Recreation.

Parks & Recreation Terms of Reference, these will be reviewed and updated with the committee once appointed

Environmental Stewardship Advisory Committee

The environmental stewardship advisory committee is an Advisory Body established to fully engage the residents of Mapleton Township that provides advice and recommendations to council on policies, by-laws, plans, programs, and issues related to climate change mitigation and adaptation. This includes but not limited to GHG emissions reduction, carbon sequestration, ecosystem protection and restoration, and community engagement.

Environmental Stewardship DRAFT Terms of Reference 

Once a committee is appointed the Terms of Reference will be reviewed with the committee and then brought to council for adoption. 

Committee of Adjustment

The Committee of Adjustment is a quasi-judicial body that considers applications for minor variances from the Township of Mapleton's Comprehensive Zoning By-law and applications for severance (consent, easements, leases in excess of 21 years and lot additions). Decisions made by the Committee of Adjustment may be appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board. Agendas and Minutes are posted on our website.

Terms of Reference for Committee of Adjustment