Building Department

The Township of Mapleton Building Department is now using Cloudpermit software for building department applications and inspections.  

Create an account in Cloudpermit

If you plan to build, renovate or demolish please create an account through Cloudpermit, online:

  1. Go to the Cloudpermit site at:
  2. Click on “Create Now” found under Register for an account
  3. Enter your email address. 
  4. Cloudpermit will send an email to the address you have provided.
  5. Open the email and complete the registration process. 

For assistance with the submission process, please watch the instructional video - how to submit a building permit.

Submit an application   Book an inspection 

The Township of Mapleton Building Department looks after all elements of building within the Township.

Learn more about the Following areas: 

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