Water, Sewer and Utilities
If you are planning on moving to the Township of Mapleton, it is important to know who will be providing utilities to your property and how to pay your bills.
Water and Wastewater
The Township of Mapleton administers municipal water and wastewater systems for Drayton and Moorefield. Customers pay a fixed monthly charge based on the size of their water meter and a volumetric charge based on the amount of water used each month. This blending of fixed and usage charges is intended to promote conservation by giving customers control of their bills by reducing their monthly usage. To set up a new account please call the Township of Mapleton's Finance Department at 519-638-3313 ext. 057.
Water and sewer billing is currently issued in 2-month cycles. For updated water and wastewater rates, please see Schedule K in our Fees and Charges By-law.
Operating By-law
The water works system in the Township of Mapleton is governed by By-law 2015-120 the Rules and Regulations for the Maintenance and Operation of a System of Water Works By-law.
Payment Options
- You can pay by cash, cheque or Interac at the Municipal Office, 7275 Sideroad 16, Drayton
- By mail at PO Box 160 Drayton, ON N0G 1P0
- At most financial institutions and through their online/telephone banking
- Setting up a pre-authorized payment
- Through our mail slot 24/7 at the Municipal Office, 7275 Sideroad 16, Drayton
Penalty is added on the day after the due date and the 1st day of the month afterwards.
Approximately 1 month after the due date any unpaid bills will be transferred to property taxes and a transfer fee will be applied.
Water and sewer billing is currently issued in 2 month cycles. For updated water and wastewater rates, please see Schedule J in our Fees and Charges By-law.
The Township of Mapleton is served by many different hydro, gas, Internet, phone and cable providers. These include:
Hydro One
Telephone: 1-888-664-9376
Union Gas
Telephone: 1-888-774-3111
Just Energy
Telephone: 1-877-510-0155