Budget and Finance
The Finance Department is responsible for the long-term financial planning and budgeting, financial reporting, corporate procurement, property tax administration, utility billing, debt and investment strategy and administration, municipal insurance, corporate asset management and information technology systems.
Financial Planning and Budgeting
The Township of Mapleton budget and financial reporting processes are structured in an effort to achieve strategic alignment with our Long-Term Integrated Financial Strategy (LTIFS).
Mapleton develops and maintains a multi-year operating and capital budget and forecast, which is reviewed and updated on an annual basis. The budget and future year forecasts are prepared on an annual basis to determine operating and capital funding requirements.
Financial Reporting
Subsequent to approval of the budget and the final tax levy requirement, finance staff report to Council on the status of capital projects and operations quarterly.
At the conclusion of each fiscal year staff prepare the annual Financial Information Return (FIR) for the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH). The Township is also required to publish financial statement on an annual basis.
Corporate Procurement
Property Tax Administration
Utility Billing
Debt and Investments
Municipal Insurance