Exercise Programs

Walking Programs

In partnership with the Town of Minto and Wellington North, the Seniors' Centre for Excellence offers free walking groups in Arthur, Drayton, Harriston, Palmerston, and Mount Forest. These groups are available all year and provide a safe, dry place to walk indoors and meet new friends.  No registration is necessary - just show up!

  • Arthur

Address:  Arthur Arena - 158 Domville Street.     
Monday to Friday, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm.  (Coffee hour from 10:00 am - 11:00 am)  

  • Drayton (starting Tuesday, February 18th, 2025)

Address: PMD Arena - 68 Main Street West.
Drop-in:  Every Tuesday & Thursday,  8:30 am – 10:00 am.

  • Harriston

Address: Harriston Arena - 111 George Street.   
Weekdays, 8:30 am - 9:30 am.

  • Mount Forest  ‘Walk-A-Doodle-Do’

Address: Mount Forest & District Sports Complex - 850 Princess Street  
Every Thursday, 9:30 am - 11:00 am.

  • Palmerston

Address: Palmerston Community Centre - 520 Cavan Street.    
Weekdays, 8:30 am - 9:30 am.


VON - SMART Exercise Programs

*Disclaimer - All information provided below is obtained from www.vonsmartexercise.com

The VON (Victorian Order of Nurses) offers free SMART (Seniors Maintaining Active Roles Together) Exercise programs in North Wellington, Centre Wellington, and Guelph. These classes will help to improve your overall fitness level and prevent you from falling.  Please check with your doctor before beginning any exercise program.  Please call the VON at 519.323.2330 ext. 4954 to get more information about the programs offered at any of these locations.  You can also email Kelly Gee, SMART Supervisor, at kelly.gee@von.ca.   

Open the link below to find a class near you or to get information about Real-time Zoom exercise classes available: http://www.vonsmartexercise.com/find-a-class.html    Connect on Facebook - "VON SMART Exercise Wellington County'. 

Below are a few of the North Wellington SMART Community Exercise Sites:-

  • Arthur (Moderate intensity)

Address: Senior Citizen Hall - 242 Isabella Street East - Wednesday, 10 am &  Friday - 10:30 am.

  • Clifford (Moderate / High intensity)

Address: Knox United Church - 11 Alan Street East - Monday, Wednesday & Friday, 9 am.

  • Drayton (Moderate / High intensity)

Address: Drayton Reformed Church - 74 Wellington Street  -  Monday, Wednesday, & Friday, 9:30 am. 

  • Harriston (Low / Moderate intensity)

Address: Knox Presbyterian Church - 135 Elora Street South  - Tuesday &  Thursday, 10:45 am.

  • Mount Forest (High intensity)

Address: Legion Branch 134 - 140 King Street West - Monday, Wednesday & Friday, 10:30 am.

  • Palmerston (Moderate / High intensity)

Address: James Street (Palmerston) United Church - 215 James Street - Tuesday & Thursday, 9 am 

  • Please check the VON Smart Exercise website under North Wellingtonfor updated information about these and other classes available in the area.  


Below are a few of the Centre Wellington SMART Community Exercise Sites:-

  • Elora (Moderate intensity)

Address: Central Pentecostal Church - 7674 Colborne Street - Tuesday and Thursday, 1 pm.

  • Fergus (Low intensity)

Address: Melville United Church - 300 St. Andrew Street West - Tuesday and Thursday, 9:30 am & 10:30 am.

  • Please check the VON Smart Exercise website under Centre Wellingtonfor updated information about these and other classes available in the area.  


 Please check the VON Smart Exercise website under Guelphfor information about SMART exercise sites in this area. 


Intensity Descriptions

Low: This program is suitable for clients who may not have exercised before or have not exercised in a long time, or for clients who have recently completed the SMART In-Home or Fab Fit program. Most of the exercises are performed in a seated position.

Moderate: This class is suitable for clients that are used to being physically active. Most of the exercises are performed standing but likely use a chair as a stability aid. 

High: This program is suitable for clients that have good mobility and are used to exercising.  Exercises are typically performed while standing and are not required to use a chair for a stability aid although chairs are always available.

VON Disclaimer: The VON SMART Exercise program is designed so that any participant can attend any of the sites if most convenient for them as it can be modified for all different levels.  These intensities are simply guidelines for the average participant attending the class.  Any participant can sit for the entire class.  All instructors offer the option of sitting to each of the participants in each class.  We never want to put limits on any participants, and we believe that if a participant walks into the class they should be able to exercise standing or at least do some of the exercises standing.  SMART classes always offer chairs to be used as a base of support or for someone to sit in for either portion of the class or the entire class, if that is how they feel most comfortable exercising.

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