Township engages in Strategic Planning Initiative


Township Council and the CAO have launched an initiative to update Mapleton's corporate and community strategic plan which will guide Council's decision making during the current term, and beyond. The process will involve extensive consultation and engagement with Council, the senior leadership team, staff, and key community stakeholders.
The aim is to create a meaningful, action-oriented plan that will reflect Council's vision for the community, and within that vision, identify a set of values to set the tone or an overall context for Council's deliberations. The process includes creating an inventory of current, planned, and anticipated actions or initiatives that reflect each of those values and a general projection of timing and resources required to achieve each of the plan's strategic directions.
A critical dimension of the process is to consult with representatives from key community and stakeholder groups, for example: sporting organisations, business associations, the development and building sectors, the cultural community, agricultural interests, firefighters, and others. The goal is to work collectively to identify new opportunities and activities that may not currently be included in the Township's business and departmental plans, and to reinforce the importance of initiatives previously identified.
Arrangements are underway to convene focus group session with representatives of the community organizations, and to roll out a process to seek input from the general public.
Council has retained Murray Clarke of Erebus Municipal Services Inc. to assist with the process. Murray retired in 2017 after a career as a Chief Administrative Officer in municipalities in Ontario and British Columbia. Murray has been busy with a variety of assignments and contract work since retiring, including a term as interim CAO at Mapleton Township.

For Further information Contact:
Manny Baron, CAO
519-638-3313 X 024