Developmental Application Process

With the help of a web-based platform called Cloudpermit, the Township of Mapleton Planning Department is making the switch to digital planning application submissions. You can apply for and check the status of your planning application with Cloudpermit from any location at any time. A record of all documents will be kept for reference, you can begin an application and finish it at a later time, and you can get email updates on the progress of your application.

We acknowledge that not all users will be able to upload digital files. The municipal office will continue to receive contributions in hard copy.

Create an Account in Cloud Permit

Mapleton is committed to innovation in public sector service delivery with improvements that create positive applicant experiences and help businesses, locate, launch, and grow. If you plan to locate, launch, or grow please create an account through Cloudpermit, online:

  1. Go to the Cloudpermit site at:
  2. Click on “Create Now” found under Register for an account
  3. Enter your email address. 
  4. Cloudpermit will send an email to the address you have provided.
  5. Open the email and complete the registration process.

For assistance with the submission process, please follow these step-by-step instructions - how to submit a planning permit. 

Starting a New Application in Cloud Permit

  • Login to Cloudpermit.
  • Click Create a New Application in your dashboard.
  • Give a name for your application that includes the property address and type of application.
  • Select Province and Municipality from the drop-down menus in Location for the application section.
  • Enter the property's address or a roll number to find your property. You can also click and drag with a mouse on the interactive map with GIS to search for the property on the map.
  • Select Planning approval for the application type.
  • Select Category, Scope, and Proposed Use. Some applications may not include the selection of scope and proposed use. Then click Next.
  • In the Summary, select if you are the applicant or agent, then click Finish & Create.
  • Follow the pre-consultation meeting instructions.

For assistance with the submission process, please follow these step-by-step instructions - how to submit a planning permit.

Additional Support for Cloud Permit

For any additional assistance and troubleshooting on Cloudpermit, visit the applicant user guide page.

If you still require assistance, log into your Cloudpermit account, click “Support” found at the top right of the page, and submit a ticket.

Get In Touch