Development Charges
The general purpose of Development Charges is to recover the capital costs associated with residential and non-residential growth within the Township of Mapleton. The Municipality is empowered to impose these charges via the Development Charges Act.
The updated 2024 Development Charges Background Study was completed by Hemson Consulting Inc., and the Development Charges By-Law 2024-033 was approved by Council on July 9, 2024.
Schedule of Development Charges for Township-wide and Urban Serviced Areas
A list of the municipal services for which development charges are imposed and the amount of the charge by development type is as follows:

Upper Tier and School Board Development Charges
County of Wellington, Upper Grand District School Board, and Wellington Catholic District School Board Development Charges may also be applicable. Information pertaining to upper-tier and school board development charges can be found on their websites.
Treasurers Statements
The Development Charges Act, 1997, as amended (DCA) require that financial statements relating to a municipality’s development charges by-laws and reserve funds be provided annually to council, the public and upon request the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH). The prescribed information to be contained in the statements is regulated through subsection 43 (2) of the DCA and sections 12 and 13 of Ontario Regulation 82/98 (O.Reg. 82/98).
Below are the Treasurers Statements from the past several years.
Development Charges imposed pursuant to the by-law shall be adjusted annually, without amendment to said by-law, on the first day of January in accordance with the prescribed index in the Act.